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    Round neon orange shoelaces

    C$ 5.99
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    • Order fits perfectly in your letterbox
    • Stays tied all day
    • Doesn't fray or break
    • Get a unique look

    Round Neon Orange Shoelaces Outshine the Rest

    Round neon orange shoelaces aren't for the faint of heart, whether they're tearing through the forest laced up in boots or tearing up the dance floor laced up in…well, your dancing shoes.

    In fact, some people buy these laces, then find the dancing shoes to match.

    Neon is orange if it fell into (the good kind of) nuclear radiation. This is the super-powered version of orange. This is the orange that the townspeople rely on to save the day, like catching a car that was thrown by a giant robot, or turning a boring party into a fun party.

    We bet you could string our round neon orange shoelaces up in the front window of a place of business to draw in customers. They're like putting signs on your shoes that say: "I'm freshness personified."

    You don't need shoes that do these laces justice. Would space boots be ideal? Of course. But instead, you could think of these laces as doing you justice, because to say "they brighten shoes" would be putting it lightly. They make shoes just radiate. We might need to start selling them with a pair of those solar eclipse glasses.

    In short, these laces will vivify your game.

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    Product Code: 4M-Round-NeonOrange
    Width: 1/6 inch
    Commonly used with boots
    Made of high quality polyester
    Can stretch 16%
    OEKO-TEX® Certificate Approved